

Quad  Bike Tour for Family & Friends

Dune Buggy Rental & Adventure Safari Tour

Enduro Dirt Bike Open Desert Tour

Polaris RZR & CAN AM Offroad Dune Buggy Rental

Enduro Rental & Tours Dubai

Enduro Rental & Tours Dubai offers thrilling off-road adventures and top-notch rental services for those looking to explore the rugged beauty of the Dubai desert.

Dune Buggy Adventure

Dune Buggy Adventure promises an adrenaline-pumping ride through the desert dunes, providing an unforgettable off-road experience for thrill-seekers.

Quad Bike Adventure

Quad Bike Adventure invites riders to conquer the desert terrain on powerful ATVs, delivering an exhilarating off-road journey in the heart of nature.

Motocross Rental

Motocross Rental offers high-performance dirt bikes for riders to unleash their off-road passion and tackle challenging trails with style and speed.

Dirt Bike Rental

Dirt Bike Rental provides access to rugged motorcycles, enabling riders to explore off-road trails and experience the thrill of adventure in the great outdoors.

Motorcycle Rental Dubai

motorcycle-rental dubaiThe very the first Motorcycle Rental Dubai Tour of Dunebikedubai started next to a road in Dubai Al Awir in a residential area. Looking back to this day it seems unreal. Brand new KTM motorcycles lined up in a residential area. People standing on the road in underwear changing into the KTM motorcycle riding gear.

Back in those days Dunebikedubai Motorcycle-Rental Dubai was just an idea of excited and motivated adventure seekers. The season was about to start and we didn´t have a location, no parking, no storage, just a set of Motorcycles and gear on a trailer. Besides the joy of riding a motorcycle in the desert this was the real adventure for us.

We thank all customers for joining the first Motorcycle Rental Dubai Tour of Dunebikedubai. The first day of operations started on a wednesday (in the middle of the week!!) in a hot september. But we have been booked out and everyone looked well after the ride and smiling faces all around out temporary street camp. Follow our stories here at Dunebikedubai. Find out more about our Motorcycle Rental offers here


Motorcycle-Rental / Tour Options:

More information about our off-road desert safari adventure tours, private or custom sand dune tour, group long ride open desert tour or bookings contact us via our contact form or just send us a whatsapp message for a quick reply.

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Motorcycle Rental Dubai
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Motorcycle Rental Dubai
Motorcycle Rental in Dubai, Motorcycle ride in the desert san dunes Dubai - Sharjah, KTM motorcycles rental & safari trip cost per person, Motorcycle tour deals
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